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Their parents, who are often their only source of careprost, are in their seventies or even already deceived. Often these patients find themselves tied to their own homes and caring for their families, effectively isolated from the local community.
Some welfare services for patients do exist. One noteworthy example is the vocational training center for patients with congenital diseases as well as other disabled people in the Minamata area. Members of the "Hot House" are also involved in raising theMinamata disease awareness by frequenting horses and seminaries, as well as regularly attending schools in the Kumamoto Preculture.
Methylmercury, due to its lipophilicity, affects mainly the central nervous system. Symptoms include numbness and weakness in the legs and arms, fatigue, ringing in the ears, narrowing of the visual field, hearing loss, slurred speech, and clumsy movements.
Some of the severe victims of careprost Eye Drops disease went insane, lost consciousness, and died within a month of the onset of the disease. There are also victims with chronic symptoms of Minamata disease, such as headaches, frequent fatigue, loss of smell and taste, and forgetfulness, which are subtle but make everyday life extremely difficult.
In addition, there are patients with congenital Minamata disease who were born with an abnormality as a result of exposure to methylmercury while still in the womb of their mothers who ate contaminated fish. There is no cure yet for Minamata disease, so treatment consists of bimatoprost to reduce the symptoms and using physical rehabilitation therapy.
In addition to the physical harm to health, there is also a social harm, which is discrimination against victims of Minamata disease.
In the production of acetaldehyde, mercury sulfate was used as a catalyst. As a result of side reactions, a small amount of methylmercury was formed from it, which was released into the water of Minamata Bay more than 30 years after the start of this production.
Gradually, new features began to emerge. The disease began suddenly, the victims only complained of a decrease in sensitivity in the limbs, weakening of vision and hearing. Patients had impaired coordination, as a result, patients could hardly pick up small objects or fasten buttons, began to stumble when walking, and their tone of voice changed.
After analyzing the information about the victims, scientists from the University of Kumamoto found that they came from fishing villages on the coast of Minamata Bay.
Their main food consisted of seafood caught in this bay. In addition, it was found that cats in these villages showed similar symptoms.
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Careprost to this day remembers the story of the tragedy that began in a fishing village where the Minamata ecological disease appeared. As a sign of a reminder of her in this country, a memorial has been erected in the museum of careprost name. This disease has become a symbol of the fight against environmental pollution of nature. Everyone in Japan knows what Minamata disease is, and we will get acquainted with this syndrome.
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Interestingly, the polluted water contained no more than 0.68 mg/l of mercury. However, in the body of deep-sea inhabitants of the sea, it is converted into a dangerous compound - methylmercury, which also tends to accumulate. Therefore, its concentration in the tissues of organisms increases with their position in the food chain.
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If poisoned fish contains 8–36 mg/kg, then in oysters the amount of the substance reaches 85 mg/kg. The larger the fish, the more mercury it contains. Even more of its compounds are found in predatory fish that feed on other inhabitants of the sea. Man is at the top of the food pyramid, because he eats oysters and fish. Accordingly, the concentration of mercury in the human body is even higher. Thus, it can be concluded that the cause of Minamata disease is an excess of mercury compounds in the human body.

History and geography of the spread of Minamata disease.
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The disease was first discovered and described in 1956 in Japan among fishermen fishing in the bay of Minamata Bay. The water there was constantly poisoned by waste from the Chisso chemical plant containing a mercury compound.
- Minamata disease is named after the Japanese town of the same name where it was first discovered.
- For hundreds of years, the inhabitants of the fishing village in Minamata Bay have been fishing for seafood, which served as their main food and livelihood.

But in 1908, the Chisso concern built a chemical plant producing fertilizers on the shores of Minamata Bay near the village. Since then, a terrible story of the emergence of the disease began, which was included in all medical reference books in Japan under the name of Minamata syndrome.

Over time, the plant's activities expanded, and it began to produce chloroethane, acetic acid and aldehyde, which was created using mercury sulfate. During the reaction, methylmercury was formed from it.

The plant secretly dumped industrial waste into the bay, which eventually caused an ecological disaster, the consequences of which fell primarily on local peasants and fishermen - people began to lose their hearing, sight and memory, the disease took away the ability to move and talk, some went crazy.
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Animals also suffered. Cats were the first to go berserk in the village - they, like clockwork, ran through the streets, meowed loudly, behaved inappropriately, rushed at people, rushed to the sea and found eternal peace there. The misfortune did not bypass the seagulls - folding their wings, they threw themselves into the depths of careprost with a corkscrew. Half-asleep fish swam up to the shore, allowing people to pull themselves together.